Monday, October 28, 2019

World War 2 Essay Example for Free

World War 2 Essay There are many important events in history. Through 1914-1918 there were great conflicts that made World War I. There have been many different causes of WWI, and tremendous effects, as a result of the first modern war. There were many different causes of this war. The first cause was militarism. Militarism is when a country wants to have a better military better than the others. Germany was one of those countries. They tried building up their military. It then became a completion with the other countries which were Russia and France. The second cause was Imperialism. Imperialism is when all countries competed for colonies. Some imperialist countries were: Germany, Britain, Russia and France. Britain feared Germany would take away it’s colonies in Africa. The third cause of World War I was the formation of alliances. Alliances are political friendships between countries. Two alliances were the Triple Entente and the Central Powers. Alliances occur when there’s an agreement between countries to have peace, if one is attacked, the other has to help. The Alliances were the triple Entente who were France, Russia and Britain. The other allies were Germany, Austrian/Hungary and Ottoman Empire who made up the Central Powers. One of the major causes of World War I was that when one country was attacked, its friends (allies) would jump into the war effort and this resulted in total war. In conclusion, militarism, imperialism and alliances all resulted in starting World War I. The new technology developed at this time in the war field, made this a modern war. Many new technologies were used. Trench warfare was one them. Trench warfare was a type of fighting developed on the ground where soldiers built trenches into the dirt for protection; unfortunately, dirty conditions resulted in diseases and infections toward soldiers who died from this exposure. Another example of modern technology used during World War I was the machine gun. Machine guns were weapons developed to fire bullets rapidly, in a continuous motion. Machine guns were deadly because they could execute deadly bullets quickly and had more accurate aim. Yet another example of modern technology was the development of submarines. Submarines are water vehicles that were used in the sea. The Germans used it to attack the U. S ships when the U. S was sending over supplies to Britain. By doing this that led the U. S to join the war in 1917. Lastly, another technology used in World War 1 is aircraft. Aircrafts are two seat propeller planes with built in machine guns. They were used to shoot from the sky. Trench Warfare, machine guns, submarines and aircrafts are what made World War 1 a modern war. As well there were many causes of World War 1; there were also many different major effects. Thus, World War 1 had many causes they’re also were many effects as a result of the modern technology that were used. Modern technology and alliance led to one of the greatest conflicts in history. As a result of effects of World War 1 would eventually be one of the causes or World War 2.

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