Saturday, December 28, 2019

Ethical Research Protection Of Human Subjects Essay

Ethical Issues in Research: Protection of Human Subjects Ethical guidelines and considerations in research experiments involving human subjects are a fairly new construct. Prior to the twentieth century, elaborate set of rules and regulations regarding the use of human subjects in experiments merely did not exist. However, one of the most critical elements of research are ethical considerations, and the goal of a research experiment is to discover new information to broaden the knowledge of the human society. Therefore, distorting, falsifying, or misinforming research participants for the purpose of manipulating different reactions is highly unethical, and the values that research ethics rely on including integrity, accuracy, and objectivity are always violated. The Milgram Experiment on Obedience and the Stanford Prison Experiment are examples of two of the most intriguing and widely discussed social psychology experiments that have violated the basic principles of research ethics involving human subjects. The Milgram experiment and the Stanford Prison experiment still continues to receive a large amount of criticism and is widely considered ethically controversial. Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, conducted his obedience experiment in 1961, to research the effect of authority on obedience. Milgram (1963) defines obedience as â€Å"†¦ a psychological mechanism that links individual action to political purpose† (p. 371), and the goal of his experiment was toShow MoreRelatedEthical Principles And Guidelines For The Protection Of Human Subjects Of Research1005 Words   |  5 PagesIn 1979 the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research drafted The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research. Within this report, the National Commission identified three ethical principles that are the foundation for research ethics and the field of bioethics. These princi ples are respect for persons (also known as autonomy), beneficence and justice. While these three principles are supposedRead MoreThe Common Rule and Human Research Essay1512 Words   |  7 PagesHuman research done in the United States nowadays is regulated by the Common Rule. 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When someone reaches for the aspirin bottle to relieve a pounding headache or that lifesaving injection of insulin used daily to treat and manage levels of blood glucose are both the end results of long and costly research. Without research the awareness of vitamin deficiencies, treatments for cancer, organ transpl antation, and vaccines for humans and animals would ceaseRead MoreThe Adopted Codes of Conduct for Psychological Research Essay1135 Words   |  5 PagesConduct for Psychological Research There is a belief among psychologists that by carrying out an experiment we should be lead to understand ourselves better and to the enhancement of the human condition and promotion of human welfare. This can onlyRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Clinical Trials1584 Words   |  7 Pagesnumber of clinical trials, the ethical issues related to clinical trials have also increased. Furthermore, the ethics of the clinical trials were violated on several occasions in last few decades. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Alexanders Vast Accomplishments as a Conquerer - 953 Words

The first matter to consider is what constitutes â€Å"greatness†. There are no set standards no checklist, to apply to a person, to determine it they are â€Å"great.† The simplest way that I could conceive to decide whether this title should apply to Alexander was to determine if he was, in some way, superior to the rulers that came before or after his reign. The most obvious place for me to start my consideration is with Alexander’s vast accomplishments as a conquerer. Alexander inherited an impressive military from his father and a stable kingdom; he also followed his father’s plans to invade Asia. Does this detract from his own accomplishments with the Macedonian army? I would argue that it does not. It does not matter how large†¦show more content†¦Alexander understood truths about society that other’s of his time either did not grasp or care to entertain. He knew to separate battles and keep destruction from the cities. This served a few purposes. Alexander could award the riches of the conquered lands to his soldier and this gave the conquered people a reason to respect him. This highlights what is probably the most genius aspect of Alexander’s military prowess; he knew how to separate military strategy from political aims on the battlefield, but how to exploit his military prowess for his political gain. Alexander’s battlefield skills are exalted in much of the writings that we have, yet it is his uncanny ability to know how far to push the violence in battle, or when to back down that truly represents his greatness. Alexander was brilliant in the management of war - he knew which areas to attack, where to lead the battle, and when to pull back; he was able to determine how best to direct the wars that he waged. Alexander was able to use his excellent battlefield skills in conjunction with his outmatched management style to literally pushed the limits of the Macedonian empire to the ends of the known world. He exhausted his men and resources; faced down mutiny with within his own ranks, twice; fought off more than one disease, and yet he continued time and again to be successful. Not only did Alexander achieve a massive empire, he did so in just

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Interview with My Grandmother Essay Example For Students

Interview with My Grandmother Essay Me: What is your full name? G: Koralina Rosa Mahogany Patterson (*Interesting factoid: All of my grandmothers daughters have the middle name, Mahogany and so do all of their daughters.) Me: What things make you happy? Why? G: seeing my family strive makes me feel happy. As a young girl growing up in, I didnt have much opportunity to better myself until the latter yours of my life. To see my grandkids and my great grandchildren doing well in school and getting good jobs I feel like I have made some type of good impact on the world. Me: What lessons has life taught you that you would want your children or grandchildren to understand and learn from? How did you learn these lessons? G: Nothing in life comes cheap. If you want something you have to go out and get it. There is no person that is gonna bring you what you need or want on a silver platter, life just isnt like that. Nowadays children are getting things without working for them and its a shame. I was taught to never take favors from anyone. Thats a value that needs to be instilled into the younger generations. Me: What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of in your life? G: Maybe having six children (she laughed) Six healthy, accomplished children. They were very good kids. I put my heart into nurturing those kids, and I tried to give them the right speeches Still to this day, I couldnt ask for better kids. Me: How do you view the idea of beauty? What do you wish younger women knew about beauty? G: If youre beautiful it comes from your soul. You can tell from just being around other people. As for advice to younger people I hope that they remember that there are lots of ways to be attractive, use your words, your mind. Beauty isnt only your face or your body. Be happy with yourself and other people will follow. There is nothing more attractive than confidence and self-respect. Me: What tools have you used to work through the hard times in life? G: I prayed, and I felt 100% better. I remember one particular time when I was pregnant with my fourth child (my aunt) and had to be on bed rest for four months. When youve got three kids to take care of, thats hard. John and the kids cooked. I was bored out of my mind John was teaching Sunday school at the time, and hed record the lessons. And all week long I would play those taps over and over again. The more Id hear those teachings, the more I loved him Those recordings meant so much to me. Me: How would you like to be remembered? G: Great question .I want to be remembered for someone who tried to do things in life with righteous faith. as someone who could be both honest and kind; sometimes we can pride ourselves on being brutally honest, Id like to be remembered as being honestly kind. I read something in an article a few days ago,it said that people wont remember you for what you said or what you did, they will remember you for how you made them feel. I want people to remember me making them feel happy and appreciated. Me: Any more advice for us young people? G: Everybody needs to appreciate life. See the amusing side of things, and release that laughter. Its good for the spirit. It doesnt hurt to smile. And not to give up hope. We hear an awful lot on the news and in the paper, and it seems like its all corrupt, but I have a great deal of belief in young people today. They are our future and there are a lot of noble young people out there doing a lot of respectable things and there are a lot of elder people doing good things, too. We just dont hear about these things. Also, I believe in passing it on. Just a small thing sometimes means a lot to somebody.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Organizational Change Management Innovation Implementation

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Change Management for Innovation Implementation. Answer: Introduction The innovation implementation behaviour concerns with the commitment of the employees in using a particular innovation product or process. It deals with the usage of the innovation in the day to day functioning of the employees. The charismatic leadership concerns with the leadership qualities of the senior management. The affective commitment to change deals with the desire to implement the change process. This study demonstrates the factors driving the innovation implementation behaviour- trust in top management and charismatic leadership. These two factors are influenced by the affective commitment to change. Discussion The topic of the article deals with the innovation implementation behaviour. It is a psychological process by virtue of which employees are inclined to use innovative practices. They feel motivated to use the implemented technology in the organization. This motivation level is influenced by two factors, namely the role of charismatic leadership and employees trust in the top management. This article is concerned with analyzing these factors. It also discusses the role of affective commitment to change to understand the psychological mechanisms in the employees of an organization. The objective of the article is to investigate the background of charismatic leadership as well as the trust of the employees in the top management of an organization. The article explores the effect of these two factors on the changing patterns of the innovation implementation behaviour in the employees of organizations (Chaudoir, Dugan Barr, 2013). There were individual studies to evaluate the effect of each of these factors on the overall behaviour of the employees regarding the implementation of innovation. The study also aims to identify the emotional processes of the employees that lead them to display innovation implementation behaviour. The study also strives to expand the existing literature on the innovation implementation behaviour. The methodology used in the study is the quantitative approach. This type of research is used for the purpose of generation of the numerical data which can be transformed logically to gather useful statistics (Creswell, 2013). This type of method is used to gather information related to the attitudes, behaviours, mental abilities and other parameters of the sample population (Punch, 2013). In this study, the data was collected from employees who were working in an automobile firm in Germany. The firm had implemented a new computer software, which was based on the email program of the corporation. The employees had the alternative to use this software for various purposes such as address, calendar, audit, absence planning and others. This study aimed to find out the level of implementation of the new software by the employees. In other words, this survey measured the attitude of the employees towards an innovation or new technology implemented by the top management. The mode of data c ollection was through an online survey. The employees were sent a link containing an online questionnaire, which they were supposed to fill out within a time frame of four weeks. The participation of the employees was optional and kept confidential. The study considered the responses of 194 employees out of the total 270 employees. The data collected was analyzed by Brislins translation back translation procedure (Shuttleworth Cowie, 2014). The multifactor leadership questionnaire or the MLQ 5x short was used to analyze the types of charismatic leadership from the leaders of the organization (McCord, 2014). This technique was used to determine the admiration of the employees for the organizational leaders. A three item scale (proposed by Cook and Wall) was used to measure the degree of trust on the top management of the firm. The six item scale devised by Herscovitch and Meyer was used to measure the affective commitment to change (Kool, van Dierendonck, 2012). The study measured the adaptive attitude of the employees in the implementation of the new software with the help of a scale proposed by Choi and Price. The primary data analysis tool used was structural equations modelling or AMOS 16.0 (Byrne, 2013). There was an inclusion of four dummy coded control variables in the structural model. The study argued that affective commitment to change acts as an intermediary between the innovation implementation behaviour and the charismatic leaders (Bligh Kohles, 2013). The top leaders are in a position to motivate their employees or followers by providing them with a compelling vision. It has also measured the positive correlation between trust in the top management and the affective commitment to change. The attitude of the employees towards the top management of the organization is vital for the success of implementation of the new software (Rafferty, Jimmieson Armenakis, 2013). If the employees feel that the top management has a major role in the change process, then the employees would also like to apply it in their day to day functioning. This is because, the employees are certain about the good intentions of the management and assume that they will benefit from the new technology. The study presented some interesting findings regarding the topic. The effectiveness of the charismatic leaders is directly proportional to the behaviour of innovation implementation. The leadership qualities are directly linked to various factors such as the creativity of the subordinates, social change, improvement oriented attitude and the organizational innovation. The study confirmed that an increase in the employees trust in the management also increases the affinity to implement the innovative practices of the organization. The most vital contribution of the study included the physiological parameter that connects charismatic leadership and the employees trust in the top management with the subsequent behaviour concerning the implementation of change or innovation. There are situational factors such as sentiments that influence the behaviour of the employees towards a new process or technology. The findings focus on the need of enabling leadership for fostering innovation acce ptance with the means of formal managerial framework. The companies need to enhance the employees trust in the top management for better adoption of the organizational change process (Cameron Green, 2015). The trust factor can be imbibed in the employees by several ways, such as leadership guidelines, reward system, company policies and others. It is important for the companies to keep aside budget for delivering leadership training as well as ideal recruitment of the charismatic leaders (Cameron Green, 2015). The managers should take into account the psychological aspects of their employees, which would make them more adaptable to organizational changes (Cameron Green, 2015). The leaders should also be trained so that they can be role models to the employees. They should also articulate a captivating vision to the employees. The strength of the arguments include the relevancy of interrelation between the key parameters such as charismatic leadership, innovation implementation attitudes, trust in senior management and affective commitment to change. They are the vital factors that influence how a new process or technology is accepted by the employees of the organization. The charismatic leadership of the top management would induce trust among the employees, which in turn would make them committed to change in the process. The affective commitment to change would lead to the improved behaviour of the employees towards the new process and they would try their level best to make it successful (Cameron Green, 2015). The weakness of the arguments include that there are several factors that increase the trust factor of the employees apart from the charismatic leadership of the senior management. The senior management may display excellent leadership qualities, yet the employees may not be satisfied. There may be several reasons of employee dissatisfaction such as a poor compensation package, poor working environment, excessive burden and others. There can be other possibilities such as non-conformance to change since many employees prefer to follow the traditional procedures. They do not embrace change easily. In such cases, the employees may not accept the innovation even if the senior management performs an excellent job. This would eventually lead to resistance towards the new innovation policy. This study was conducted on a single department of one organization. There can be different views of the people working in other industries and job roles. Conclusion The organizational change, leadership and behaviour concerning the implementation of the innovation are crucial fields of study for the researchers. This study served the purpose of integrating the three vital factors in question. It showed that charismatic leadership as well as the trust in top management influences the innovation implementation behaviour and the affective commitment to change. The study also aimed to closely bind the key concepts and aid in future investigations regarding this topic. References Bligh, M. C., Kohles, J. C. (2013). Do I Trust You to Lead the Way? Exploring Trust and Mistrust in LeaderFollower Relations.The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Leadership, Change, and Organizational Development, 89. Byrne, B. M. (2013).Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming. Routledge. Cameron, E., Green, M. (2015).Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models,tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Chaudoir, S. R., Dugan, A. G., Barr, C. H. (2013). Measuring factors affecting implementation of health innovations: a systematic review of structural, organizational, provider, patient, and innovation level measures.Implementation Science,8(1), 1. Creswell, J. W. (2013).Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. Kool, M., van Dierendonck, D. (2012). Servant leadership and commitment to change, the mediating role of justice and optimism.Journal of Organizational Change Management,25(3), 422-433. McCord, J. M. (2014).An examination of self-perceived transformational leadership of Texas superintendents and high school graduation rates. Lamar University-Beaumont. Punch, K. F. (2013).Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Sage. Rafferty, A. E., Jimmieson, N. L., Armenakis, A. A. (2013). Change readiness a multilevel review.Journal of Management,39(1), 110-135. Shuttleworth, M., Cowie, M. (2014).Dictionary of translation studies. Routledge.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch free essay sample

The North Pacific Ocean is home to the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. This gyre is created by the North Pacific Current, the California Current, the North Equatorial Current, and the Kuroshio Current, all rotating clockwise throughout the northern hemisphere. It expands over the Pacific from the North Pole to the Equator and from California to Eastern Asia. The NPSG currents create the largest ecosystem on Earth, but they have also created one of the biggest threats to the health of our ocean: the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The currents are constantly moving and circulating animals and minerals throughout the ocean, but they also trap and carry pieces and particles of trash that have been disposed of in the water or on shorelines. The trash is all carried to the same place where the convergence of currents forces the trash into the center of the gyre. The result of years and years of this process has collected enough trash to qualify the GPGP as the planet’s largest landfill. We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Pacific Garbage Patch or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the last 40 years, it is said that the amount of trash in the GPGP has increased 100-fold. The trash resides somewhere between 135 ° to 155 ° W and 35 ° to 42 ° N in a constant swirl within the currents. Because of this, it has been nicknamed the â€Å"trash vortex. † The majority of the trash in the GPGP is floating pieces of plastic. Of the more than 200 billion pounds of plastic produced each year on Earth, approximately 10% ends up in the ocean. Plastic will never biodegrade, but rather it photodegrades. Any piece of plastic thrown into the ocean will break into smaller and smaller pieces of plastic without breaking into simpler compounds. Plastics are also able to absorb and trap toxic chemicals whenever they come in contact. The majority of life-forms found in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre are microbial organisms, plankton and few other small sea creatures. Plastic that photodegrades into microscopic pieces is ingested by filter feeders and can cause permanent damage to their bodies. Often times it stays in their system forever as it cannot be digested. Other animals eat pieces of plastic while pursuing other prey; the plastic is either extremely poisonous or can cause permanent blockages in their digestive systems, leading to death. All of these side effects increase monumentally when a fish ingests plastic that has absorbed toxins, which almost always leads to death. Toxic plastic has the ability to threaten an entire food chain. If a large quantity of toxic plastic is accumulated into one area, it has a greater chance of affecting a larger quantity of organisms. Once the filter feeders have ingested toxic plastics, any organism that feeds off of them will also ingest that toxic plastic and so forth. This food chain will eventually lead directly to humans – if someone buys a fish that had previously ingested a toxic plastic particle, there may be detrimental effects on their health. Underwater organisms are not the only life-forms that are affected by ingesting plastic. Albatross birds roam widely throughout the North Pacific Ocean and are specifically a very affected species of the harmful effects of improperly-disposed plastic. Each year albatrosses on Midway Island, located almost equidistant between North America and East Asia in the North Pacific, collectively give birth to 500,000 chicks. In recent years, over 200,000 have died due to their parents finding and feeding them pieces of plastic which they mistook for food. Albatrosses, being a larger organism, also face concerns of becoming caught or stuck in plastic trash such as soda can holders and other debris. This can cause them to choke or to even be immobile. All in all, more than a million birds and marine animals die each year from consuming plastic or getting caught in debris. The plastic debris also damages boat and submarine equipment, litters beaches and shorelines, discourages swimming and harms local and commercial fishing industries. Fishers’ nets often get caught or tangled in debris and are abandoned in the ocean for marine life to become entangled in, contributing to the pollution. Any shore along the currents of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre is at stake of receiving trash from all over the world. The 19 islands of the Hawaiian archipelago receive massive quantities of trash shot out by the gyre. Some beaches are layered in 5 to 10 feet of trash while others are classified with â€Å"plastic sand† due to the millions of grain-like pieces of plastic that are nearly impossible to clean up. Unfortunately, once the plastic has entered the ocean and the GPGP, it is very difficult to remove it and its removal may have some negative effects on marine life, depending on the designated area. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a federal agency that is currently working toward improving the condition of Earth’s oceans and the atmosphere. NOAA has partnered with the Okeanos Explorer, a ship with a manta net that collects tiny pieces of trash and debris through fine mesh to collect some of the trash and pull it out of circulation. The net can even snag microscopic pieces of plastic that are too small to be seen by human eye. NOAA is also working with the Marine Debris Program, who volunteers to track levels of debris through rigorous survey and scientific study. Ocean Conservancy offers multiple volunteer programs to aid in the clean-up of littered beaches and oceans. They are the catalysts for the International Coastal Cleanup program. Cleanups are held worldwide and sites are designated on the website. People who wish to contribute to the cause can sign up for a site near their area to work with other volunteers and clear the beaches of trash. Ocean Conservancy has also created the â€Å"Trash Free Seas Alliance† pledge. Any individuals or businesses that take the pledge seek to reduce and, when applicable, recycle products and services that damage ocean wildlife and ecosystems. Members of the alliance network with each other to share ideas and create and fund projects for a better ocean. Many people who live inland believe that they are not a contributing factor to ocean pollution. The fact of the matter is, about 80% of garbage floating in the GPGP has come from the land all around the world in what is called nonpoint source pollution. Littering and pollution on streets or common ground can easily end up in a local storm drain that leads to a river which will in turn lead to the ocean. People often tend to drop small trash or throw it out of their car window without realizing that it has the ability to travel the globe. To start fighting for the cause, people can simply throw their trash in the proper receptacles and recycle whenever possible; the less trash that is aimlessly floating around outside of the dump, the less that is able to find its way to sea. The US Coast Guard estimates that recreational boaters dump an average of over a pound of trash into the ocean every time they go out. 80% of trash comes from the land, but the other 20% is from careless boaters who directly contribute to the problem. Everyday people are not the only ones to blame: commercial cruise ships, merchants, and even marine vessels. Every day, the world’s fleet discards 5. 5 million containers, some plastic, into the sea. As the federal government is funding organizations to stop ocean pollution, they should not allow their marines to dump that much, if any, trash into the ocean. Knowledge is a key tool in fighting the battle on trash and debris polluted oceans. The more knowledgeable a citizen is about what is happening and the direct affect it is having on their environment, the more they can do to help. Not everyone will immediately sign up for a volunteer opportunity after hearing that they are contributing to a million marine animal deaths each year, but at least they might remember not to throw their fast food wrappers out the window of their car. Even better, they might promote the idea to others. Much of the world is uninformed or only informed to an extent – the people need to understand that each and every one of them is playing a role in this somehow, as it is our planet. The true power lies with the people.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How I Got Noticed on Wattpad (and Won the Wattys)

How I Got Noticed on Wattpad (and Won the Wattys) Winning the World’s Largest Online Writing Contest – A Reedsy Success Story Author Rhà ³n is brand new to the writing world, but his Frontier Fantasy novel Oakwood Grange was recently selected out of 75,000 entries for a Wattys award - an annual international contest of authors held by Wattpad. The story also earned him a â€Å"Featured† spot on the website’s homepage for a monthly audience of 45 million, and later ranked in the top 40 of the Fantasy genre (top 40 of over 200 million stories). Here he shares some tidbits about how that success came to be, how other authors might do the same and get noticed on Wattpad.â€Å"Have you heard of Wattpad?†Three years ago I met a dude named Taran Matharu who asked me this while we were riding in a tour bus up the coast of northeastern Australia. Taran was in his early twenties at the time, traveling for adventure, as I was, and typing something on a laptop that - little did we know - within months would snowball several million online readers and earn him a top-tier agent, a six-figure adva nce from a major publisher, and a position on the New York Times Best Sellers list.â€Å"It’s this website where you post your stories and people read them and leave comments,† he explained.â€Å"Ah.†I had no idea what he was talking about, for back then it had not occurred to me to â€Å"post† my writing anywhere at all. To me, as far as writing was concerned, the well-trodden path was still the best to follow (albeit steeply uphill and exhausting): first, you finish the manuscript, then you query agents and get published. That’s what authors did if they wanted to go pro.Paths are not always as clear-cut as they first appear.In the years that followed I wrote my novel Oakwood Grange, my first, basically a stewpot of strange fantasy and Western grit - a Coraline meets Little House on the Prairie kind of tale, and when I finished it I recalled that old tour bus conversation and the website Wattpad.The latter seemed like a good place to start. I wan ted to get some eyeballs on my novel in order to find out what the global public thought of my ability to tell a story. It turns out they thought quite a bit. Within months I’d gone from absolute obscurity to winning a Wattys â€Å"Hidden Gems† award and attracting over 40,000 reads.Here’s how it was done, and how you might do the same†¦A Leaf in the Wattpad Forest: How to Get NoticedFor those using Wattpad for the first time, the initial steps are simple: sign up and create a profile, write some text (or, in my case, paste some text already written), click a button that says â€Å"Publish†, and presto - an audience of 45 million instantly have access to your story.The next steps are more daunting. As I write this, there are over 200 million independent story uploads on the site, every genre you can think of, with thousands more uploading every day. It’s a virtual avalanche of fiction, and most who venture there are buried from the start.So, to get noticed, my early strategy was to look for stories that were already immensely popular. This was easy. Wattpad categorizes all works by their respective genre, and each genre has its own â€Å"Hot† list ranking all that genre’s stories by their current level of readership. Leaving an insightful comment on a top-ranking author’s story encourages them to read your own story, and hopefully vote for it as well - reads and votes which automatically re-post as notifications to that author’s followers on a public feed.Another thing I did was socialize with Wattpad’s community at large. The website has a high-traffic forums section with various discussion â€Å"Clubs† (e.g. Romance, Fantasy, Teen Fiction, Horror, Classics, etc.), places where you can post questions or responses to the other users, occasionally mentioning what you’ve written. To me, the forums proved the best place to raise awareness of my story. I created threads that I could easily tie to some aspect of  Oakwood Grange, responded considerately to what others posted in reply, and also provided useful feedback to younger authors still cutting their teeth on concepts like â€Å"inciting incident† and â€Å"theme† and â€Å"active voice.†Write masterfully. Aim for Tolkien or Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Austen, Rowling, or Dickens - not the soon-to-be-forgotten E. L. what’s-her-face or others of her ilk. People notice quality and pass it on to other people.Edit. Nobody likes typos. Revise and then revise again. If you can afford an editor, on Reedsy, for example, all the better.Make sure that your book cover is fantastic . . . or at least make sure it doesn’t suck. I did the cover to Oakwood Grange myself. It’s okay, functional by Wattpad standards, but not what I would call amazing, and admittedly not good enough for the larger publishing industry.Post your full completed manuscript. Wattpad’s system a llows stories to be serialized, but common sense will tell you that most readers don’t want to begin reading something that’s half-finished.Add tags. Tags help people find your work by searching for relevant keywords. The more specific to the story, the better.Communicate with the community. At its core, Wattpad is a social site. So socialize. If you read someone else’s work, or comment or vote on it, they’re much more likely to reciprocate. Likewise, if you make an effort to engage new readers, or keep in contact with the readers you already have, more readers will be interested.Don’t get discouraged. A common complaint among new Wattpad authors is that no one reads their work. The good news is that wattpad readers are voracious. They want something fresh and good to feed their endless cravings, and they’re always prowling for that next delicious meal. If your story is enticing, trust me - they will sniff it out.Send Wattpad a request to m ake your story 'Featured'. Obviously, a website with 200 million stories cannot put all of them on its homepage, so there is an application and review process, and of course many disappointed authors. Nevertheless, the 'Featured' list is free, and highly visible, and it can bring your story thousands of new readers every week.The Sunlight in the CanopyAt this point, you might be wondering what value an author can get from Wattpad, or what makes it worth the cost of time and effort. Indeed, the sad truth is that the website offers no direct means for its authors to make money on their work, no Amazon-esque payment system, and that means that despite the legions who have read my story I still have not yet made a penny on it. Does that bother me? Nah. Awareness is my intention here - helping people realize that my work exists and it is work worth reading. In due course I expect that all of this awareness will pay off in the form of a publishing contract, as it did for Taran, as it has for many others. And even if that doesn’t happen, my author platform is steadily rising to a good place from which to dive into self-publishing.Meanwhile, Reedsy has been exceptionally useful in connecting me with an editor, Aja Pollock, who helped refine my story’s prose to prepare it for the greater wilderness beyond Wattpad. I came here for a level of professional expertise, wordsmithing, and attention to detail not easily found in other spheres, and I was not disappointed. After all, contests are admirable, but polishing a story until every facet shines and sparkles perfectly- that’s the real gem.You can read Rhà ³n's stories on Wattpad here!  Have you tried putting your stories up on Wattpad? Have you had any success from it? Let us know your thoughts and experiences, or any question for Rhà ³n, in the comments below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Myspace (& other social network sites) predator problems--how can they Essay

Myspace (& other social network sites) predator problems--how can they be solved - Essay Example imed at networking and being in touch with relatives and friends, the bottom line is that social networking is highly famous and it is a big business today. Unluckily, scam artists, child molesters, and sexual predators have noticed that these sites can also be exploited to find victims. MySpace is one of the sites where predator is a big problem. MySpace is a social networking site just like facebook. However, there have been numerous cases of sexual predators and child molesters posing as children to network with young victims on MySpace (Zilney & Zilney, 2009). Recently, MySpace was also discovered to be compromised by attackers spreading malware on exploited profile sites. These have led to MySpace taking steps and implementing security measures to minimize this problem though users are still supposed to be cautious and aware. Predators were therefore a big problem to MySpace not only because it led to increased cases of sexual assaults but also death cases were on high rate. Nevertheless when putting into consideration increased cases of predators; social networking sites have employed numerous efforts to cut down on the numbers of predators online. For instance, they have developed an e-mail registry that would permit parents to prohibit their children creating online profile for such networks. Social networking sites would also create the default profile setting for 16 and 17-year-olds on their site â€Å"confidential â€Å" so that they can only be contacted by individuals they know hence making it difficult for predators to find them (Krinsky, 2008). According to Hansen (2008), they employ a third party to gather a registry of email addresses offered by parents who want to restrict access of their children to the websites, and will block anyone using email address listed in the registry from signing up or creating a user profile. Laws have also been implemented to govern and address this issue and all networking sites have agreed to comply with them and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Female Homeless Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Female Homeless - Speech or Presentation Example I have observed these issues in the culture of the people who live near Acadiana Outreach Center and this could has been one of the drives to establish this center within this place. I know that it is the wish of everyone here to live a dignified life with good places to settle and feel secure in the places in which we live. The places we live after we have divorced, have been bereaved or any form of unfortunate issue that befall us and leave us without a man we can depend on for a shelter and other basic need. Although these issues seem to have little impact on the lives of the people who are directly affected, there are effects that are extended to all the dependants of the women who lack the privilege of a place to stay, a place they can call home. This is because some of the homeless women are not without other roles but carry responsibilities of mothers and the providers for younger children and also are required to offer security to these dependants. These life demands push som e women into the streets or poor shelters where they seek cheap means of sustaining their lives as well as those of the children that depend on them. This is because most of the homeless women have no source of income and therefore, live on limited resources most of which come from begging and daily wages that they get from small businesses and daily labor. Today, we will focus on the ways through which homeless women can get some places to live and establish a sustainable way of living, which would be less dependent begging. This will mean that women will have their own plans to acquire dignified places of residence where they will not be vulnerable to the risky conditions of poor environment, which does not guarantee their security. We will also focus on the provision of the homes that is done by the government and how women can benefit from it with a focus of the requirement that a woman need to have so that be guaranteed it. This will not be a form of one side discussion but it will require all people to participate through asking questions and seeking clarification of an issue at any point in the course of this presentation. We that in mind, we can embark on the discussion on the various issues that have exposed women in the society to the risky homelessness and the contribution of the Acadiana Outreach Center in alleviating the condition. As many of you are aware, there are things that we face as women in the society since the cultural restrictions do not allow the women to own property. Because of this, many single mothers, divorced, unmarried, separated or widowed women who have little income have to undergo serious struggle to sustain themselves in good places in the world. Many of those who have little income do not have enough resources with which they can secure basic needs that they have for their lives. This situation has faced those women who have low education attainments because they do not secure opportunities in good paying labor market and therefore have to undergo a lot of struggle to get their needs (Burt, Pearson & Montgomery, 2007). In this discussion, I will use some materials that are contained in a small booklet that each of you will receive so that they can revisit the discussion later. These booklets will be available for everyone by the time we finish

Monday, November 18, 2019

Why Eveline should stay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Why Eveline should stay - Essay Example Her past has not been very good, but there is fear on trying a new route in life because it will leave her father vulnerable because he is aged. The life after the death of the mother is worse because she is expected to undertake all the duties that the mom did. Her example portrays the challenge women underwent in the early twentieth century Dublin. The question was on whether to remain rooted to the domestic life or accept the new lease that can be achieved through eloping. Even though some people believe that Eveline should leave the city, I will argue that she should stay because of some reasons such as: she is young, she is not sure if she loves Frank and her promise to her mother and her old father. The first reason which helps her deciding to stay in her city is because she is young at that time. If Eveline decides to leave the city, she will find everything is new in the new city. As a result, she needs to reschedule her duties to adapt with the new city. Of course, because she is young and her mother is dead, she will find difficulty things with her life to skip these problems. The author says that† Even now, though she was over nineteen, she sometimes felt herself in danger of her father’ violence† (Page 202). So she tries to find someone who helps her with that. The best option for Eveline is to leave with her fiancà © and start a new life far from Dublin. From the past experience, fear rules the judgment done by Eveline. Also, she is young so she needs to take much responsibly of her life. But is it difficult to take care of yourself if you are young. When she hears the street organ played on the night before the mom’s death, she resolves to sti ck to the routine and not try to change from it. Such restriction based on the past makes acceptance of change hard. The second reason which leads a hand her to stay not leave is because she is not sure if she loves Frank. In fact, the major challenge of the Eveline is overcoming fear and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Collusive Behavior in Soft-drink Market Econometric Analysis

Collusive Behavior in Soft-drink Market Econometric Analysis Brief Summary This paper proposes a methodology to study a firm’s strategic behavior by combining game theoretic concepts and recent economic developments. It analyses various forms of collusive behavior of firms on two strategic variables-price and advertising- in a differentiated market dominated by a duopoly. The econometric methodology adopted is fully structural. The methodology involves specification of demand and cost functions and hypotheses about the strategic interactions among players. The parameters of the demand functions and the cost functions are estimated under different strategic hypotheses. Prior work have modeled strategic interactions (output and pricing decisions) in a non-cooperative static method using static conjectural variation models. However, recent developments in game theoretic work as well as experimental evidence have shown evidence of cooperation among players in repeated game contexts even under the assumption on non-cooperative behavior. Such kind of cooperation is referred to as tacit collusion. Given the complexity of empirical study of collusive behavior, the authors deal with the black box of strategic dynamic interactions by selecting a sufficiently rich range of formulations expressing various degrees of collusion. With two observable instruments of competition-price and advertising, the authors offer various simple formulations of collusive behavior and select among them. The merits of each formulation is based on the range of possible levels of collusion. Since the econometric models are nonnested, tests for nonnested hypotheses is performed to select the most adequate model. The models are estimated by full information maximum likelihood methods. This study also extends the traditional conjectural approach for the empirical analysis of market power. The proposed methodology is then applied to the soft drink industry which is dominated by The Coca-Cola Company and Pepsico duopoly. Three models of non-collusive behavior and three models of collusive behavior is estimated. Based on the results, the hypotheses of non-collusive behavior is rejected. The results suggest some tacit collusive behavior in advertising between the Coca-Cola Company and Pepsico for period covered by the sample data. However, collusion on prices does not seem to be well supported by the data. The methodology allows for various switching regimes specifications because there is a potential change of behavior in the middle of the sample. The paper estimated models with two regimes- before and after 1976. Results show that Coca-Cola is a Stackelberg leader in price and advertising until 1976, and after 1976 there is collusion in advertising and prices. Results also show an increase in market power for both the firms after 1976 based on the Lerner indices calculations. Key Strengths Simplifies demand and cost specifications by imposing restrictions on parameters as per economic theory On the broader level, there is a formidable task of simultaneously estimating demand and cost functions, and to determine the most adequate collusive hypotheses. Because of this enormous demand on data, there is a need for simple specifications that limit the number of estimated parameters with the risk of having results that can be strongly affected by the implied misspecifications. So a simple demand specification is chosen for analytical and empirical tractability. This is done by imposing restrictions on parameters based on economic theory. So based on economic theory, constraints are imposed on the parameters signs. The given demand specification implies diminishing returns in advertising and also allows for a wide range of cross-advertising effects. The effect of advertising has also been restricted only for the given quarter. This restricted form of advertising effects decreases the complexity of the reduced form. Constraints are also imposed on the parameters of cost functions based on economic theory. A choice of constant marginal cost is made for analytical and empirical tractability. Takes into account model misspecification with respect to statistical inference Model misspecification can happen when the models are simplified as in this case and when the models are not correctly specified. So the models that are statistically dominated by another competing model are misspecified. However, statistical inference can be made on the parameters of these models provided White robust t statistics are used. Adopts full information maximum likelihood method for getting reliable estimates Limited or full information estimation by 2SLS and 3SLS methods have certain drawbacks. One such drawback is that it does not provide estimates of some structural parameters such as the collusion parameter and the coefficients in the cost functions. Another drawback is that they produce unreliable estimates. Also, the standard Wald statistics cannot be used directly because each set of nonlinear restrictions appear in the explicit or parametric form. Instead one must use the generalized Wald statistics that requires a nonlinear minimization for each set of restrictions. The last drawback is that selection among the models can only be done indirectly through these generalized Wald tests. This may lead to undesired outcomes. To avoid the above mentioned issues, the authors adopt a direct method that estimates by maximum likelihood (ML) each model with its defining set of nonlinear constraints. This method produces in most cases very reliable estimates. Computes multiple elasticity measures to get a better grasp of the magnitude of parameter estimates The authors are able to calculate own price, cross-price and income elasticities for each demand equation. They also calculate the own and cross-advertising elasticities. The cross advertising elasticity has been further decomposed into predatory advertising elasticity and global advertising elasticity based on the concepts of predatory and spillover effects introduced by Roberts and Samuelson (1988). Predatory advertising elasticity gives the rate of change of the market share of firm j caused by a 1% increase in the advertising of firm i. Global advertising elasticity gives the rate of change of the total market demand caused by a 1 % increase in the advertising of firm i. The spillover effect of advertising corresponds to a distribution of the change in total demand due to the advertising of firm i in proportion to the share of firm j. This can be defined from the decomposition of cross advertising elasticity. The model allows for various switching regimes specifications The price of Coca-Cola showed an unusual increase in fall 1976 and was immediately followed by a sharp fall. This period corresponds to the mid-1970s sugar crisis. So on the basis of this observation the authors have extended their work by formulating and estimating models with two regimes- before and after 1976. The two regime models are estimated using a switching dummy variable which has the role of imposing the proper set of nonlinear constraints on the general linear model within each period. The results indicate that Coca-Cola is a Stackelberg leader in price and advertising until 1976, and that collusion in advertising and competition in price takes place after 1976. Extends the conjectural variation approach and compares it with the collusive models used The authors extend the traditional conjectural variation approach to the case of differentiated products with two control variables- price and advertising. When contrasting this approach to theirs, the authors find evidence that their collusive models cannot be viewed as special cases of conjectural approach. The conjectural model and any of the collusive models used in the paper are nonnested. Particularly, the conjectural model imposes a different set of restriction on the parameters of the general linear model in comparison to the restrictions imposed by collusive models.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Songs For a Colored Singer by Elizabeth Bishop Essay -- Colored Singer

"Songs For a Colored Singer" by Elizabeth Bishop   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is a song but a poem set to music? Take away the music from a good song and the rhythm of the words will create its own musical sound. â€Å"Songs For a Colored Singer†, a poem written by Elizabeth Bishop, is a song without the music. Bishop’s use of repetitive rhymes creates the lyrical, song like, structure to her poem. The voice of the song belongs to a black woman who encounters adversity throughout the poem. The sum of the elements, a black woman singing about hard times, equal one distinct style of music, namely the blues. Bishop divides the poem into four parts. Through each part the poem, Bishop uncovers different aspects of the colored woman. What Bishop reveals is the difficult situations which face underprivileged black citizens in America. Bishop’s poem has similarities to a song by Billie Holiday, and is linked to a Langston Hughes poem. By using the voice of a colored singer, Bishop exposes the inequality of early twentieth century African-Americans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bishop examines the life of a colored domestic woman and portrays the difficult existence through song. Part one of the poem portrays a melancholy domestic who is having trouble with her man, a classic situation for the blues. The use of simple rhymes and syllable structure in the first stanza forecasts the lyrical tone of the poem. To create a sense of flow, the first and third stanzas have identical rhyme patterns, and the second and fourth stanzas also mirror each other. The use of the same line at the end of the second and fourth stanzas, â€Å"Le Roy, you’re earning too much money now,† (Part 1. Lines 13 & 26), distinguishes this poem as a song. Rarely are lines repeated in poems, but the use of repetition is essential in songs, because of the need for a chorus. Part one of the poem brings to light the inequality among race and class. Due to the economic conditions of African-Americans, they find themselves working as domestics for much wealthie r Caucasians. The singer expresses the difficulty working as a domestic, as she witnesses firsthand the inequalities of the classes, â€Å"none of these things I can see belong to me† (P1 L3-4), she continues to describe in detail the differences between the colored and the whites, â€Å"they got a lot of closet space; we got a suit case.† (P1, L7-8) The circumstances of the colored singer establish... ... Bishop says â€Å"curious [†¦] fruit† (P4, L23). Holiday’s popular song predates the release of Bishop’s poem by seven years, 1939 and 1946 respectively. Bishop’s poem seems to have an influence on a famous poem written by Langston Hughes, â€Å"Dream Deferred.† In Hughes’ poem he eludes to years of African-American anger festering like a fruit, then exploding. The similar themes connect Bishop’s poem to Hughes’. Both poems foretell an eruption of anger coming from the African-American community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bishop creates a poem which sounds similar to a song. The bluesy feel created by the structure along with the melancholy contents, form a perfect blues song. The poem chronicles the chaotic events of a colored domestic, who represents the plight of the African-American. Her helpless situation is a result of the vicious poverty cycle which traps African-American’s in permanent despair. Bishop ends the poem by forecasting an African-American uprising. Bishop believes African-American’s can only take so much, soon they will explode. Through Bishop’s use of simple rhymes, repetition of words and changing syllabic functions, this poem reads less like a typical poem, and more like a blues song. Songs For a Colored Singer by Elizabeth Bishop Essay -- Colored Singer "Songs For a Colored Singer" by Elizabeth Bishop   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is a song but a poem set to music? Take away the music from a good song and the rhythm of the words will create its own musical sound. â€Å"Songs For a Colored Singer†, a poem written by Elizabeth Bishop, is a song without the music. Bishop’s use of repetitive rhymes creates the lyrical, song like, structure to her poem. The voice of the song belongs to a black woman who encounters adversity throughout the poem. The sum of the elements, a black woman singing about hard times, equal one distinct style of music, namely the blues. Bishop divides the poem into four parts. Through each part the poem, Bishop uncovers different aspects of the colored woman. What Bishop reveals is the difficult situations which face underprivileged black citizens in America. Bishop’s poem has similarities to a song by Billie Holiday, and is linked to a Langston Hughes poem. By using the voice of a colored singer, Bishop exposes the inequality of early twentieth century African-Americans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bishop examines the life of a colored domestic woman and portrays the difficult existence through song. Part one of the poem portrays a melancholy domestic who is having trouble with her man, a classic situation for the blues. The use of simple rhymes and syllable structure in the first stanza forecasts the lyrical tone of the poem. To create a sense of flow, the first and third stanzas have identical rhyme patterns, and the second and fourth stanzas also mirror each other. The use of the same line at the end of the second and fourth stanzas, â€Å"Le Roy, you’re earning too much money now,† (Part 1. Lines 13 & 26), distinguishes this poem as a song. Rarely are lines repeated in poems, but the use of repetition is essential in songs, because of the need for a chorus. Part one of the poem brings to light the inequality among race and class. Due to the economic conditions of African-Americans, they find themselves working as domestics for much wealthie r Caucasians. The singer expresses the difficulty working as a domestic, as she witnesses firsthand the inequalities of the classes, â€Å"none of these things I can see belong to me† (P1 L3-4), she continues to describe in detail the differences between the colored and the whites, â€Å"they got a lot of closet space; we got a suit case.† (P1, L7-8) The circumstances of the colored singer establish... ... Bishop says â€Å"curious [†¦] fruit† (P4, L23). Holiday’s popular song predates the release of Bishop’s poem by seven years, 1939 and 1946 respectively. Bishop’s poem seems to have an influence on a famous poem written by Langston Hughes, â€Å"Dream Deferred.† In Hughes’ poem he eludes to years of African-American anger festering like a fruit, then exploding. The similar themes connect Bishop’s poem to Hughes’. Both poems foretell an eruption of anger coming from the African-American community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bishop creates a poem which sounds similar to a song. The bluesy feel created by the structure along with the melancholy contents, form a perfect blues song. The poem chronicles the chaotic events of a colored domestic, who represents the plight of the African-American. Her helpless situation is a result of the vicious poverty cycle which traps African-American’s in permanent despair. Bishop ends the poem by forecasting an African-American uprising. Bishop believes African-American’s can only take so much, soon they will explode. Through Bishop’s use of simple rhymes, repetition of words and changing syllabic functions, this poem reads less like a typical poem, and more like a blues song.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Meaning of a Quote

â€Å"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. † Helen Keller Body: As we have known, most people are too attached to the past, to what they are familiar with. Therefore, they will miss opportunities that stand right in front of them. Doors may close, but there are always other unlimited numbers of doors – new opportunities to get new happiness.Alexander Graham Bell also used to say that: â€Å"When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us†. The world is full of opportunities if we could only see them. Furthermore, not every plan works out. Successful people today must get the cheese in the past. There are losses and failures, problems in relationships, loss of money or job, and sometimes unpleasant things happen that we can not always have contro l over them.However, we can exercise control over our attention and attitude of these happenings. When one of these things happens, and we focus our attention on the loss – the closed door, we see only a closed door with the resultant frustration and unhappiness, but if we could only move our sight and attention away from the closed door, we might be surprised to discover a row of openning new doors. To sum up, I just want to say: Do not try to look at your back, look at the things stand in front of you and shoot your bolt to strike while the iron is hot. That is the necessary thing you must do after the failure.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Man Lives in a World of Meaning

Man Lives in a World of Meaning Introduction One of the most famous quotes in the works of George Herbert Mead is, â€Å"Man lives in a world of meaning†. This quote features in the works of Herbert where he tries to ascertain the validity of man in the natural environment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Man Lives in a World of Meaning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper explores the quote. Of greater importance in the paper is expounding the quote as it relates to man and nature. The paper begins by giving an overview of the quote, followed by a discussion about the validity and applicability of the theory to the socialization aspects of human beings in the environment in which they dwell. Understanding the quote According to Mead, human beings live in a world of perpetual reality where they can see, sense, touch, and respond to changes in the environment. The reaction to what people see and hear is more important than just the asp ect of hearing, sensing, testing, and seeing. What makes man a real being is the fact that he can mediate between his senses and make some decisions concerning that which prevails in his environment. This means that man goes far behind the physical sense of existence. Unlike other beings, man responds to the stimuli and can project the possible future changes in the physical stimuli through a thoughtful analysis of the prevailing physical conditions in the environment. Moreover, the actions of man are critical to the exploration of the physical environment to their advantage (enjoyment) or to their disadvantage (disappointment). Man has to balance between the physical realities that are brought out in science and the inner intellect to build a world that is favorable for human existence and survival (Cain 7). The socialization of human beings It is important to begin with an observation that human beings are the most rational creatures. Moreover, human beings are endowed with the ca pacity and ability to shape the environment around them. The attribute of socialization within the human species can be traced far back in the theories of evolution. This means that the modern man is more social. Therefore, the interaction of man to man and man with the physical environment is an important aspect of socialization. One of the most important things in the socialization of man is the issue of developing capabilities for other people and enabling them to control the physical environment for their well being. In this sense, the cognitive ability of man is put to test when he comes across other people who are incapacitated.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The issue of philanthropy, thus, comes into the picture. Based on Mead’s observation, it means that the world does not have to make meaning to man, but man has to make a meaning in the world by inven ting solutions to the gaps of living between different people in the society. According to Coon (43), humanism is one of the key attributes of developing a world that is habitable for all human beings. Therefore, a lot of ethical principles have been developed by human beings as a basis on which the characters of human beings are molded to promote the well being of the environment. Cooperation at the global level is something that is given a lot of emphasis by man in the contemporary times, in spite of the prevalence of conflicts within the modern society. The ability of human beings to influence and shape the future state of the world comes from the fact that human beings are reasoning creatures and can learn from the past and present experiences. For instance, the effects of the Second World War have created a concern in the minds of human beings to an extent that peace is often given priority in most of the aspects of development and interaction (Coon 44). However, it is also cri tical to note that there are negative antecedents of socialization within human societies. Most of the vices that prevail in the society today, like conflicts, war, terrorism, corruption, and environmental degradation, emanate from the minds of men who seem to align their thoughts in a manner that is non-human. According to Henning, Renauer and Holdford (352), such tendencies depict heterogeneity in the cultural systems that have been developed in the world. The high level of variation in the characters of people comes from the fact that people keep exercising things differently. This may result in the adoption of certain characters that are not synonymous with the people. An example is the women who engage in hard violence. Situational variability within different cultural groupings in the world is the cause of vices. This, in turn, denies man the chance to derive and sustain joyful experiences from the environment. Value systems in the society are an important ingredient in the em brace of humanity. Humanity is an important virtue upon which the ethics and codes of standards that govern the interaction of human beings with other human beings and the interaction of human beings with the physical world are founded (Coon 44). The other perspective from which the nature of aesthetics can be looked at in the contemporary world is the direct interaction between human beings and the environment and how it depicts man as social beings. One of the discoveries that have been made by the social scientists who study human socialization with a focus on the natural environment and its value to the well being of all people is that most people act consciously with respect to the natural environment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Man Lives in a World of Meaning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This raises the question of how human consciousness plays out in the development of an open, supportive, and a sust ainable environment for all beings. Based on the ethical theories and concepts, it can be argued that human beings have the responsibility to shepherd the natural environment so that the environment can be supportive to the present generation, as well as the future generations. However, the freedom that has been developed from human socialization and human civilization is the main cause for the prevalence of thoughts and actions that are not consistent with the stewardship aspect when it comes to the relations between human beings and the natural environment. The industrial and post-industrial societies have embraced what can be referred to as selective value, where human beings choose actions that satisfy their needs without caring for the needs of other human beings. It can be argued that the selective value deprives of human beings the quality of socialization. Pro-environmental behaviors depict a higher sensitivity to nature and sensitivity to human life. However, the opposite o f this is also true (Dolnicar and Grà ¼n 694). Conclusion Human beings are rational beings. This puts them in a position to develop interactions in their environment. This position can either work for their well being or against. From the discussion presented in this paper, it can be concluded that the statement by Mead reflects how human beings develop and shape their behaviors and actions as they interact with the world. Cain, Rudolph Alexander Kofi. Alain Leroy Locke: Race, Culture, and the Education of African American Adults. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003. Print. Coon, Carl. The Architecture of Ethics. Humanist 65.1 (2005): 43-44. Print. Dolnicar, Sara, and Bettina Grà ¼n. Environmentally Friendly Behavior: Can Heterogeneity Among Individuals And Contexts/Environments Be Harvested For Improved Sustainable Management? Environment Behavior 41.5 (2009): 693-714. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Henning, Kris, Brian Renauer, and Robert Holdford. Victim or Offender? Heterogeneity Among Women Arrested for Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Family Violence 21.6 (2006): 351-368. Print.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Appendices Sample Essays

Appendices Sample Essays Appendices Sample Essay Appendices Sample Essay APPENDICES a. User’s Manual USERS PAGE KING KERWIN APARTELLE Tabular Links 5 4 3 1 2 Figure a. 1 Tabular Links The form consists of the following tabs: 1. Home When home page link is pressed it will directly go to the homepage that contains some information about King Kerwin Apartelle and a slideshow of different photos in King Kerwin Apartelle. This is also called a start page or local file that automatically loads when a web browser  starts or when the browsers home button or â€Å"home† link is pressed. 2. About Us – When about us link is pressed it will directly go to the about us page that contains company profile of King Kerwin Apartelle and their services offered. 3. Contact Us When contact us link is pressed it will directly go to the contact us page that contains textboxes which allows the user to have an inquiry or send an inquiries, questions, verification and concerns about the web site or about the process of the king kerwin. 4. Gallery – When gallery link is pressed it will directly go to the sample picture of each rooms of King Kerwin Apartelle and Transient House. . Booking – When booking link is pressed it will directly go to the reservation page that contains instructions on how to have a reservation in the rooms. A cancel reservation and reservation form link is also included in the reservation page. King Kerwin Room ; Rates Figure a. 2 Room ; Rates Contact Us Figure a. 3 Contact Us The contact us form contains different textbox with a different la bels on it. This will allow the user to contact the administrator or the manager of King Kerwin Apartelle for some concerns or questions regarding to King Kerwin Apartelle. It has a reset button which shall reset all fields when it is pressed and a send button which shall send the inquiries of the client to the administrator’s e-mail address or manager’s e-mail address. Gallery Figure a. 4 Gallery Gallery page contains photos and highlights of each room of King Kerwin Apartelle and Transient House. Check Availability Figure a. 5 Check Availability Page Check Availability form shows the availability of each room Online Reservation Form Figure a. 6 Online Reservation Form Online Reservation Form contains different fields or textboxes that the user or the clients must fill out. Some fields are required in order for the system process it correctly and in order for the user to complete his/her reservation. The reservation shall be saved to database and send to user’s email address. Log-in Page 1 2 Figure a. 7 Log-in Page The Log-in page holds the whole system security. The log in page is where the admin gives personal information to be identified by the system and allow access to users. The admin inputs the user name and password and clicks the Log In button (1) to enter the admin main page. The system has the Forgot Password (2) ADMIN PAGE Admin Side Bar Figure a. Admin The form consists of the following links: 1. Admin Home – When admin home link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the home page of the admin 2. Logout When logout link is pressed, the system shall log-off and shows again the log-in form. 3. View Reservation – When view reservation link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the view reservation page that c onsists of all reservation has been made by the client in tabular form. 4. Rooms – When rooms link is pressed, the page shall directly load at the room page that consist of add new room, edit room and delete room. . Promo;Event – When promo;event link is pressed, the page directly load at the promo;event form that you can post Promo and Event of a company. VIEW RESERVATION Figure a. 8 View Reservation This form is for viewing all the reservation’s information of the client taken from online reservation form. The admin can also edit, cancel the reservation and print all the reservations or print reports. ADMIN EDIT PAGE Figure a. 9 Admin Edit Page After clicking the edit, the list of blocks numbers on king kewin shall show which has different list of lots and information inside the link. In this form, the system allows the admin to edit and update all information in the field of the lots per block. King Kerwin Printable Report Figure a. 10 Printable Report After clicking the print report link on the view reservation page, the system shall generate a report for viewing and printing purposes for record keeping. Promo and Event Figure a. 10 promo and event Shows the promo and event of king kerwin Apartelle and Transient House b. Source Code INDEX ;html ; ;head; lt;meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 ;title;KING KERWIN ;/title; ;link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /; ;link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png /; ;! START OF CODE FOR CALENDAR script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/zapatec. js/script script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/calendar. js/script script language = javascript type=text/javascript src=js/calendar-en. s/script link rel=stylesheet href=system. css type=text/c ss/ SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. aptureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. ss /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header /divdiv id = gc_bg div id=king_menu ulli class=current a href=index. php Home/a/li lia href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. hpContact Us/a/li /ul/div/divdiv id = gallerya href=# class = showimg src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5704. jpg alt=King Kerwin width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3King Kerwin/h3 A Business Hotel with a touch of Home in the Heart of Olongapo City //aa href=# img src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5697. jpg alt=hospitality width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3Hospitality/h3 staffs, and crew that will treat you well //a a href=#img src=images/family_photo4. ng alt=lobby width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3Lobby/h3A full blast! Elegant lobby that will make you booked in the hotel//a a href=#img src=images/gallery/king/SAM_5710. jpg alt=lobby width=958 height=330 title= alt= rel=h3/h3//a div class=captiondiv class=content/div/div/div /div ! End Of Container /div div id=king _main lt;div class=templatemo_container div id=king_left div class=c_left h2Welcome to King Kerwin/h2h6 iApartelle and Transient House/i/h6table border=0 id = tayotrtd align = justify h13 Strategically sitnated in the heart of Olongapo City . Giving guests an easy access to SBMA , Beaches, entertaiment and major are of attractions. King Kerwin Transient house also accessible in market (near across the street)china Drug Store and Hospital. Enjoy an overnight or long term stay with a choice of our clean, spacious and comportable rooms. With the King Kerwins extraordinary way of pampering, youll gardly feel away from homeExperience a distinctly indulgent and comforting atmosphere where your every need is personally met. With our efficient and friendly concierge, professional housekeeping services and otherspecial courtesies, we make you feel the extra attention that touches you from the start to the end ofKing Kerwin Apartelle is simply like a home, a second home to our guest. Can stay for a while or even for a long term vacation. King Kerwin has the facility for Seminar, Weddings / Birthday and parties. ;/h13;;/td;;/tr;;/table;;/div; ;/div; ;! end of left div id=king_right div class=c_right table border = 0 trtda href = gallery. phpimg src = images/photo. png height = 42px/td/tr/table table border = 0 background = images/gilid. ng width = 250pxtrtd align = centerbr /bh14Easy Direct Booking br / at Low Rates/h14/bbr //td/tr div class=cleaner/div div class=cleaner/div /div ! End Of Container div id = king_main_bottom/div div id = king_footercenter a href = index. php| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. hp About Us | /a a href = contact. php Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/div/body amp;gt;/html RESERVATION ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); $arrival =$_POST[checkin_monthday]; $outarrival=$_POST[checkout_monthday]; $departure = $_POST[checkin_year_month]; $outdeparture = $_POST[checkout_year_month]; $varmont = substr($departure, -1); $varyear = substr($departure, 0, 4); outvarmont = substr($outdeparture, -1); $outvaryear = substr($outdeparture, 0, 4); $room = $_POST[room]; $dates = $_POST[date1]; $datee = $_POST[date2]; $a = date(yy - mm - dd,strtotime($dates)); //$sql = mysql_query(select * from tbl_reservation where roomtype = $room and datestart =$dates or dateend = $a and dateend = $datee') or die(wla ka d2); $count = mysql_num_rows($sql); if($count == 0) {echo script alert( Reservation Available); /script; } else {echo script alert(not available. ); /script; echo script location. href=room. hp; /script;} ? html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Langu age=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. ullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Inv alid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script lt;script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script /visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document . onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT lt;script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. hp Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. png / Reservation /h2 centerdiv id = king lt;form id=form1 name=form1 method=post action=verify. php onsubmit=return Ako_Validat or() table border=0 id = tayo trtd/td/trtr tdName: /tdtdinput type=text name=fullname id=fullname class=inquiry_input width = 50//td /trtrtdContact: /tdtdinput type=text name=contact id=cel onKeyPress=return isNumberKey(event) onKeyDown=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); onKeyUp=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. ountdown,11); class=inquiry_input maxlength=11i11 Digits Only/i/td/tr tr tdEmail Address:/td tdinput type=text name=email id=email class=inquiry_input/i(e. g. [emailprotected] com)/i/td /trtr tdAddress: /tdtdinput type=text name=address id=address class=inquiry_input width = 50//td /trtrtdCheck-In: /td td? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); choinput type = text name = arrival value = $arrival $departure readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innamemonth value = $varmont readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innameyear value = $varyear readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = innam eday value = $arrival readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnamemonth value = $outvarmont readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnameyear value = $outvaryear readonly; echoinput type = hidden name = outnameday value = $outarrival readonly; ? gt; /td/trtr tdlabel class=frmLabelCheck-Out:/label/tdtd ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,);mysql _select_db(db_kerwin,$conn);$arrival=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[checkout_monthday]);$departure=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[checkout_year_month]); echoinput type = text name = departure value = $arrival $departure readonly;? /td/trtr tdRoom Type: /tdtd ? php conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,);mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); $room = $_POST[room]; echoinput type = text name = roomtype value = $room; ? /td/trtr tdNumber of Person: /tdtd input type=text name=personnum id=num onKeyPress=return isNumberKey(event) onKeyDown=limitText(this. form. limitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); onKeyUp=limitText(this. form. li mitedtextfield,this. form. countdown,11); class=inquiry_input maxlength=1/td /tr tr lt;td Message: /td td textarea name=mess id=message cols=25 rows=10 maxlength=1000 onkeyup=limiter()/textarea /td/td/trtrtd input type=submit name=submit id=inquiry_submit value= //td tdinput type=reset name=inquiry_reset id=inquiry_submit2 value= //td /tr/table/form script type=text/javascript src=js/calcodes. js/script /div /center ! End Of right /div lt;div class=cleaner/div /div ! end of sidebar div class=cleaner/div div class=cleaner/div /div ! End Of Container div id = king_main_bottom/div div id = king_footer center a href = index. php| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. php About Us | /a a href = contact. hp Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/body /html CHECKAVAILABILITY html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html ; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript unction Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. ess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }re turn true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode f (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limit Field. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. ubstring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. ll) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElem entById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. s/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. hp target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div id=login_form h5nbsp;/h5 ce nter link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=. /reservation_files/calendar. css form action=book. hp id=reservation-form name=reservation-form method=post table cellspacing=2tbody tr? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn)l $sql = mysql_query(Select * from tbl_room where id=$_GET295); while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {echo input type = hidden name = room value = $r[roomtype];}? /trtrtdlabelCheck In:input type = text name = date1 //label/td /trtrtd select id=checkin_day ame=checkin_monthday class=checkin_day onchange=checkDateOrder(this, #39;checkin_monthday#39;, #39;checkin_year_month#39;, #39;checkout_monthday#39;, #39;checkout_year_month#39;); updateDaySelect(this); option class=day prompt value=0Day/option option value=11/optionoption value=22/optionoption value=33/optionoption value=44/optionoption value=55/optionoption value=66/optionoption value=77/optionoption value=88/optionoption value=99/optionoption value=1010/optionoption value= 1111/optionoption value=1212/optionoption value=13 selected=selected13/optionoption value=1414/optionoption value=1515/optionoption value=1616/optionoption value=1717/optionoption value=1818/optionoption value=1919/optionoption value=2020/optionoption value=2121/optionoption value=2222/optionoption value=2323/optionoption value=2424/optionoption value=2525/optionoption value=2626/optionoption alue=2727/optionoption value=2828/optionoption value=2929/optionoption value=3030/optionoption value=3131/option/select select id=checkin_year_month name=checkin_year_month class=checkin_year_month onchange=checkDateOrder(this, #39;checkin_monthday#39;, #39;checkin_year_month#39;, #39;checkout_monthday#39;, #39;checkout_year_month#39;); updateDaySelect(this); option class=month prompt value=0Month/option option value=2011-1January 11/optionoption value=2011-2February 11/optionoption value=2011-3March 11/optionoption value=2011-4April 11/optionoption value=2011-5May 11/optionoption value=2011-6J une 11/optionoption value=2011-7July 11/optionoption value=2011-8August 11/optionoption value=2011-9September 11/optionoption value=2011-10October 11/optionoption value=2011-11November 11/option /select a class=calender inlineJsRequired onclick=showCalendar(this, #39;calendar#39;, #39;checkin#39;); href=javascript:void(0);img title=Open calendar and pick a date alt=calendar src=. /reservation_files/button-calender. png width=21 height=18/a /td/trtr lt;tdlabelCheck Out:input type = text name = date2 //label/td /trtrtd select id=checkout_monthday class=checkout_day onchange=updateDaySelect(this); name=checkout_monthday option class=day prompt selected= value=0Day/option option value=11/optionoption value=22/optionoption value=33/optionoption value=44/optionoption value=55/optionoption value=66/optionoption value=77/optionoption value=88/optionoption value=99/optionoption value=1010/optionoption value=1111/optionoption value=1212/optionoption value=13 selected=selected13/optionoption value=1414/optionoption value=1515/optionoption alue=1616/optionoption value=1717/optionoption value=1818/optionoption value=1919/optionoption value=2020/optionoption value=2121/optionoption value=2222/optionoption value=2323/optionoption value=2424/optionoption value=2525/optionoption value=2626/optionoption value=2727/optionoption value=2828/optionoption value=2929/optionoption value=3030/optionoption value=3131/option/select select id=checkout_year_month class=checkout_year_month onchange=updateDaySelect(this); name=checkout_year_month option class=month prompt selected= value=0Month/option option value=2011-1January 11/optionoption value=2011-2February 11/optionoption value=2011-3March 11/optionoption value=2011-4April 11/optionoption value=2011-5May 11/optionoption value=2011-6June 11/optionoption value=2011-7July 11/optionoption value=2011-8August 11/optionoption value=2011-9September 11/optionoption value=2011-10October 11/optionoption value=2011-11November 11/option/select a class=calender inlineJsRequired onclick=showCalendar(this, #39;calendar#39;, #39;checkout#39;); href=javascript:void(0);img title=Open calendar and pick a date alt=calendar src=. /reservation_files/button-calender. ng width=21 height=18/a /td/tr trtd colspan=2 nowrap= height=15px/td/tr trtd input class=button type=submit value=Check Availability /input/td/tr /tbody/table/form /centerdiv id=calendar/div script type=text/javascript src=. /reservation_files/calendar. js/scriptscript type=text/javascript // ! [CDATA[ var calendar = new Object(); var tr = new Object(); tr. nextMonth = Next; tr. prevMonth = Previous; tr. closeCalendar = Close; tr. url = kingkerwin. com; tr. title = ; tr. cons = themes/x-brown/images/; var months = [January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December]; var days = [Mon,Ma,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su]; var days3 = [Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun]; var $t_hotels = Hotels. toLowerCase(); var b_today = Today; checkDateOrder(document. getElem entById(checkin_day), checkin_monthday, checkin_year_month, checkout_monthday, checkout_year_month); // ]] /script script src=. /reservation_files/jquery-1. 2. 6. min. js type=text/javascript/script /div /div center a href = index. hp| Home | /a a href = room. php Room Rate | /a a href = gallery. php Photo Gallery | /a a href = about. php About Us | /a a href = contact. php Contact Us | /abr / | FAQS | #169; King Kerwins Apartelle | All Rights Reserved | Developed By: [emailprotected] com /center/div/body /html SALES and RENTING html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. ss rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { var x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. full name. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! sNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. value==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. ndexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-m ail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } unction limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitField. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. value = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); documen t. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript ! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. nmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascrip t src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div lt;div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. php target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. ng /Room rates for Overnight stay: for 12 hrs /h2div id=jr_left div class=a_left/div div class=c_leftdiv class=sb_title1/div div class=sb_contentdiv id=inquiry_form ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost,root,); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn); error_reporting(0); $page_name=newuser. php; $start=$_GET[start]; if(strlen($start) 0 and ! is_numeric($start)){ echo Data Erro r; exit; } $eu = ($start 0); $limit = 3; $this1 = $eu + $limit; $back = $eu $limit; $next = $eu + $limit; $query2= SELECT * FROM tbl_message; $result2=mysql_query($query2); echo mysql_error(); nume=mysql_num_rows($result2); $query= SELECT * FROM tbl_message ORDER by id DESC limit $eu, $limit ; $result=mysql_query($query); echo mysql_error(); if(mysql_num_rows($result)! =0){ while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo h10. $r[name]. /h10. br; echo nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. h14. $r[description]. /h14. br;echo img src=images/gallery/. $r[picture]. class=banner_right. /tdbrbr; }echo /table;echo /form;} else {echo no record found! ; }} else{switch($_GET[action]) { ase save:mysql_query(INSERT INTO tbl_message (name,picture,price) values ($_POST[name],$_POST[picture],$_POST[price],now()));header(location:newuser. php); break; case delete: mysql_query(DELETE FROM tbl_message WHERE id=$_GET295); header(location:newuser. php); break; case edit: $q = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM tbl_message WHERE id=$_GET295); $r = mysql_fetch_array($q); echo form action=newuser. php? action=update method=postid =form1 name = form1 table border=0trtd align=centerinput type=hidden name=id value=$r295/td/tr trtd valign=topName:/td lt;tdinput type=text name=name value=$r[name]/td/trtr td valign=topPicture:/td tdinput type=file name=picture value=$r[picture]/td/tr trtd valign=topPrice:/td tdinput type=text name=price value=$r[price]/td/tr trtd colspan=2 align=centerinput type=submit value=Saveinput type=button onclick=self. location=newuser. php value=Cancel / /td /tr/table/form; break; case update: $id = $_POST[id]; $name = $_POST[name]; $picture = $_POST[picture]; $price = $_POST[price]; ysql_query(UPDATE tbl_message SET name=$name,picture=$picture,price=$price WHERE id=$id); header(location:newuser. php); break;}} ECHOBR; ? /div/div/div/div ! end of left div id=jr_right div class=b_right div id = king_roombr / table border=0px cellpadding=5 cellspacing=3 width=630 ? php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost, root,)or die(Cannot Connect to Server); mysql_select_db(db_kerwin,$conn)or die(Cannot Select Database); $q = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM tbl_room); if(mysql_num_rows($q)! =0){ while($r=mysql_fetch_array($q)){ echo trtd align=centerimg src=. $r[picture]. class=banner_right. /td; echo td align=left . nbsp;h16. $r[roomtype]. /h16br. nbsp;h14. $r[description]. /h14. brbr. h912hrs: /h9. nbspnbspnbsp;h9. $r[hrs]. br. h9Daily: /h9. nbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp;h9. $r[daily]. br. h9Weekly: /h9. nbspnbsp;h9 . $r[weekly]. /h9br. h9Monthly: /h9. nbsp;h9. $r[monthly]. /h9brbr; echo center. nbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp . a href=check. php? id=. $r[id]. img src=images/pic1. png. /center; }}? /table /div/div LISTINGS html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { ar x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. alue==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (echeck(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat= str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false;return true; } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField. value. length limitNum) { limitField. value = limitFi eld. value. substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount. alue = limitNum limitField. value. length; } } /script script type=text/javascript //Edit the counter/limiter value as your wish var count = 1000; function limiter(){ var tex = document. form1. mess. value; var len = tex. length; if(len count){ tex = tex. substring(0,count); document. form1. mess. value =tex; return false; }document. form1. limit. value = count-len;} /script script type=text/javascript function Search_Validator() {if (form2. txt_search. value == ) {alert(Search Item Required. ); form1. txt_search. focus(); return (false);}} /script SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript lt;! //Disable right click script //visit rainbow. arch. scriptmania. com/scripts/ var message=Sorry, right-click has been disabled; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document. all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document. layers||(document. getElementById! document. all)) { if (e. which==2||e. which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document. layers) {document. captureEvents(Event. MOUSEDOWN);document. onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document. onmouseup=clickNS;document. oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document. oncontextmenu=new Function(return false) // /SCRIPT lt;script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1. 3. 1. min. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/slide. js/script script type=text/javascript src=js/function. js/script script language=javascript type=text/javascript/script link rel = stylesheet class=style href = css/style. css /head body div id = king_main_top /divdiv class=king_container div id=header/div div id = gc_bgdiv id=king_menu ul lia href=index. php Home/a/li li class=currenta href=room. hp target=_parent Room Rate /a/lilia href=gallery. phpGallery/a/li lia href=about. phpAbout Us/a/li lia href=contact. phpContact Us/a/li /ul /div/div/div ! End Of Container /divdiv id=king_main div class=templatemo_container h2img src = images/hover. png / Photo Gallery /h2 cen ter table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630 trtdcenter Delauxe Room /center /td/trtrtdcenter lt;a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/family/gallery3. png title= gallery3. png img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/family/gallery3. png/ /adiv id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/11. jpg title= 11. jpg img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/11. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/12. jpg title= 12. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/12. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/13. jpg title= 13. pgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/13. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/14. jpg title= 14. jpg img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/14. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/2. jpg title= 2. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/2. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/3. jpg title= 3. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/3. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/4. jpg title= 4. pgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/4. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/del/5. jpg title= 5. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/del/5. jpg / /a/divscript src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td/td/tr /table table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630tr tdcenterFamily Room /center center a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/gallery2. png title= gallery2. ng height = 200 width = 250img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/deluxe/gallery2. png/ /adiv id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png title= photo. png img style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png / /aa class=vlig htbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/phot6. png title= phot6. pngimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/phot6. png / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png title= photo. ngimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/deluxe/photo. png / /a/div script src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td tdcenterExecutive Room/center center a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png title= gallery. pngimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png//a div id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/4. jpg title= 4. jpg img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/4. ng/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/8. jpg title= 8. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/8. png//a a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/9. jpg title= 9. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gall ery/exe/9. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/11. jpg title= 11. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/11. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/12. jpg title= 12. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/12. ng/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/14. jpg title= 14. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/14. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/18. jpg title= 18. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/18. png/ /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/exe/32. jpg title= 32. jpgimg style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/exe/32. png/ /a/div script src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td/tr /table lt;table border=0px cellpadding=10 cellspacing=2 width=630trtd centerCouples Room/center/td/trtr tdcenter a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png title= gallery. png img style=height: 200;width: 250; src=images/gallery/executive/gallery. png//ag t; div id=iddivholder style=hf:12; yt:0; display: none; a class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/cop/2. jpg title= 2. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/cop/2. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/cop/3. jpg title= 3. pgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/cop/3. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/cop/4. jpg title= 4. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/cop/4. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/cop/5. jpg title= 5. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/cop/5. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/cop/6. jpg title= 6. jpgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/cop/6. jpg / /aa class=vlightbox href=images/gallery/cop/7. jpg title= 7. pgimg style=height: 90px;width: 137px; src=images/gallery/cop/7. jpg / /a/divscript src=engine/js/visuallightbox. js type=text/javascript/script /center/td/td /tr/ta ble/center CONTACT US html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 titleKING KERWIN /title link href=king_style. css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / link rel=icon type=image/png href=images/hover. png / script Language=JavaScript function Ako_Validator() { ar x = document. form1. fullname. value; var y = document. form1. address. value; var z = document. form1. mess. value; if (x == || x ==null || ! isNaN(x)) { alert(Fullname is required); form1. fullname. focus(); return (false); } if (form1. contact. value == ) { alert(Contact is Required. ); form1. contact. focus(); return (false); } if (y == || y ==null || ! isNaN(y)) { alert(Address is Required. ); form1. address. focus(); return (false); } if (z == || z ==null || ! isNaN(z)) { alert(Your Message is Required. ); form1. mess. focus(); return (false); } var emailID=document. form1. email if((emailID. value==null)||(emailID. alue==)){alert(Please Enter your Email ID)emailID. focus()return false} if (e check(emailID. value)==false){ emailID. value=emailID. focus() return false }return true} function echeck(str) { var at=@ var dot=. var lat=str. indexOf(at) var lstr=str. length var ldot=str. indexOf(dot) if (str. indexOf(at)==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(at)==-1 || str. indexOf(at)==0 || str. indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(dot)==-1 || str. indexOf(dot)==0 || str. indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false} if (str. indexOf(at,(lat+1))! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) eturn false } if (str. substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str. substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID) return false } if (str. indexOf( )! =-1){ alert(Invalid E-mail ID)return false } return true} function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt. which) ? evt. which : event. keyCode if (charCode 31 (charCode 48 || charCode 57)) return false ;return true; 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